Tommy in the Attic
The story...

We’re the ones you never see, the shadow on the wall
We’re the ones you never meet, till the day of your last fall
We’re the legions, we are sinners of the night
We go dancing, we go dancing
We are the creatures, living on the edge of light
And when the day falls
I hear them chanting my name
When the moon calls
We go dancing in the dark

Preparing a revolution
We’re the ones you’ve left behind, the freaks and broken rhymes
We’re the mutants, the rebel child, poets of another time
We’re the legions, we are sinners of the night
We go dancing, we go dancing
We are the creatures, living on the edge of light
And when the day falls
We’ll be coming out tonight
When the moon calls
We go dancing in the dark

When the night falls, you walk in the realm of dreams
Soon the people of the land asleep, awakens the darkness beneath
As the clock strikes midnight, the wolves are howling high
Every night here is Halloween, every night we lay our disguise
And we can hear their call in the wind from far, far away
Gathering crews from the ancient world, to break from their chains of clay
And in a mighty sound of thunder, your heart sparks with life again
As a million stars light up your eyes, escaping your bitter end
For the dreamers of this world will soon come to rule
As we raise our hands together, the misfits, rebels, and ghouls
Your limbs move to recover through the ashes of despair
In a roaring rage of passion, you rise from your lair
And in your footsteps you ignite fire to your very soul
Burning down your fears till your shadows are black as coal
And reborn from the darkness, nothing will take us apart
For the night has just begun, as we go dancing in the dark
Element of power; unknown yet.
He is a mechanic who as bare memories of his past. Seeking a way to a better life in the aftermath of a broken city governed by oppressing authorities, he has a dream. The mysteries of his nightmares that haunt him soon become keys to the rebellion in which, he discovers more about himself and his shadows...

Element of power; water.
She is an independent young woman with a different outlook on things. She masters the element of water since she was very young when she saved a fisherman’ boat crew one day. She found a home in the rebellion escaping the never ending routine of the high end life where she lived with her dad involved in the political scene. Having more affinity for the underground community where she lives now, she feels she is serving a greater cause against her dad’s will.
Element of power; unknown yet.
A leader by nature, he likes to understand and organise things. His sens of though is well known and people await for his word before taking action as he always comes up with a great plan. He ended up in the undergrounds after his family was kicked out their home. He eventually found a home there, and quickly became the major element in the creation of the rebellion. He bares the mark and is part of the lineage, but his element of power remains unknown as he uses his sword most of the time.

The Scientist
Element of power; mind.
Carrying the sorrow of his lost love, Janice, a mere fragment of memory in his mind that dates back in his academic years, he throws himself in the most bizarre experiments to forget. He has a double personality and is a definite case of extraverted megalomania. An evil plan always lurks in the back of his mind, as he truly wishes to touch the mind of the univers…
Element of power; voice.
Once a pilot in the army he his now the voice of the rebellion through a radio show from the undergrounds. Most people have never seen him except for the underground community, and the authorities seek to find him without success. He is a wise rocker that’s been around the world and seen it all. He always has a good word to awaken the sleepers of the world…

Thin Man
Element of power; wind.
He grew up in the mountains hunting wolves with trained eagles and spears, but never enjoyed that truly. Even if he is fearful and anxious as a warrior, he’s always ready for a fight if needed. He would prefer to run and jokes about other options, but he knows how to stand by his friends if they need him. Part of the lineage, his source of power is the wind and can control it very well.
Element of power; earth.
Mike is sceptic by nature. He likes to test people to see where they're at and what they can put out. He has a good jugement on things but his a bit hot tempered.
He use to be a pilot for a space shipping company before they let him go because of his rebellious attitude. He has found his power (earth) years ago and never put it to good use until he met Glimps.

Element of power; force of impact.
Born and raised in the deep forest of katalah, he is a tuff warrior who likes to face things head on. As a kid he did like to do some sparring with the other warriors and fight bears. Always ready for a rumble, he is quiet, calm, and a solid friend ready to help.
Element of power; weapons and fearlessness.
New comer to the group, she is fearless and daring. She does not have a magical power and fights with whatever she can find, mostly a sword her father gave her before he past away after a fight with a city guard. She swore revenge on the system that put so much pressure on her family, that led to her loss. Neverless, she is witty and and likes to push people’s limits in a friendly manner.

Element of power; Technology.
He is the small colourful assistant robot of the scientist. A bit funny by nature, he knows his way into the castle and is always of servitude.
Element of power; mind.
Calm in negotiations, he’s one not to mess around with. He has drastic ideas on things and always looking for a good deal, maybe a fight. All he knows about his family is that his dad was a weapon dealer. He grew up in struggles.

Element of power; weapons and unpredictability.
He had a rough past that you can see in his face. Large werewolf-look hair, he is sure to hide a heavy gun under his trench coat, or an ace up his sleeve for the game. He does not play fare, he plays to win and rarely smiles. He obeys to none, but he listens to Calfi because of he admires his smart wicked strategies.